Rhino in Education

a place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers

Sketching, Sketching/drafting book, and a Sketching Packet to encourage pencil/paper projects

The 'basics' is what the sketching and drafting posts are about.  In today's school environment there are other ways to teach design.  This is an attempt to fill in some blanks for teachers who have spent little time sketching and drawing.  Simply put, it is our attempt to encourage time with a pencil and paper for both teachers and students. 

New:    Sketching to Scale... a student project

Isometric paper image:  Print for your use    

Isometric paper model: Works well and edit for your needs.

A book you might want to get hold of:  Drafting Problems by Paul Wallach    

ISBN   0-02-629620-6       Used at Amazon.       <$20.00  Book at Amazon Link

Sketching, Isometric, Orthographic, Perspective, dimensioning, and all things 'drafting'.

Juanita High School  'Sketching Packet'.  I used this in all my classes. It is a set of information to get your students up to speed with sketching: Use some, all , or none of this information. Use it or not BUT, Get your students sketching

                                     The Sketching Packet JHS download link

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