a place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers
NOTE: I am in the process of correcting some of the links to the videos. If you need something before it's done, email me bobkoll@mcneel.com
This is an unorganized collection of 'stuff'. In time it will be added to the 'posts' and organized with the table of contents. Scroll down and you might find some 'nuggets'.
Rhino Training Manuals and Models link
(for Rhino 6 and beyond)
Level one training manual and models
Level two training manual and models
Kulshan Pumpkin start video 10-24-2018
(download the videos for best results)
Kulshan Pumpkin start model 10-24-2018
Kulshan Pumpkin Finished video 10-26-2018
Kulshan Pumpkin Finished model 10-26-2018
BoltGen AND GearGen. Scroll down the page for more info.
BoltGen for Rhino PC BoltGen for Rhino mac
"RhinoGears" (try it out)
Gear Plugin for Rhino:
RhinoGears installer PC RhinoGears installer mac
commands: InvoluteGear and Rack
Videos on this page:
[All videos are the result of teachers who thought a video would be of value to them as they build their Rhino skills]
(scroll down the page; there are models associated with most of these videos)
V6 'Trace' video link images ( Images for practice )
Kyle's Videos: Preparing to 3d-print
Polyhedron Plugin video & Unroll the pattern
Rotate3d practice with Puzzle model
Gumball Practice with Start Model
Video: Flow Along Curve w History
Model: Flow Along Crv w history
Emphasizes 'CrvSeam command' and 'Record History' before running 'FlowAlongCrv' command.
2d to 3d House.
Use your 2d floor plan lines and curves, foundation cross sections & then practice with Extrudes, Sweeps, Unions and then use Boss, Rib, Extrude To Surface. Extrude curves to make windows and doors. Sweep to create some interior and exterior molding.
Video: 2d to 3d house Video Part One
Video: 2d to 3d house Video Part Two
Inkscape will 'auto-trace' images for importing into Rhino:
Inkscape to Rhino model w notes
Use Trace plugin for v6...below
Trace plugin: command: Vectorize
v6 v7 "Trace" plug-in is now Vectorize
Food4Rhino page: Click this link
11x8.5 Layout & Template tutorial (mechanical)
Create a Layout and Template (mechanical) pdf
Sample mechanical inches model
Video: Creating a basic Layout (mechanical)
Thanks to Cory Torppa for these layouts.
11x8.5 Layout tutorial (architectural):
Create a Layout (architectural) pdf
2728 Plan and Architectural model
11x8.5 Border with corner title
Video: Creating a basic layout (architectural)
11x8.5 Layout tutorial (cabinet and cutting list):
With: PictureFrame images, Exploded cabinet, Revision cloud, Leaders. Thanks to Mike Vieira of Sitka High School for this project.
Download and Open the following zipped file:
Night Stand Exploded - Layout Files
Video: Night Stand Layout
3d printing: Two basic tutorials and Kyle's videos:
File, Notes contains 'step by step' process to get your model to 3d-print every time.
Mesh Repair using SelOpenMesh Steps in Notes.
This will introduce you to SelOpenMesh, your new 'best friend'. Also SelClosedMesh, SelOpenPolysrf, SelClosedPolysrf.
3d print QHS & CCHS desk plaque w Notes
Emphasis: Rebuild a flat surface to get some wavy shapes, fillets on a solid model, 'sculpting' the tops of the CCHS text.
The Video:
Kyle's Videos: Preparing to 3d-print
Duck Model eyeball tricks:
Duck model with eyeballs and instructions
Click: File, Notes for Instructions showing how to get the eyeballs to work for you and your students.
Making a paper box word document. (click the link and the doc file will download to your computer)
Golf Ball Box model with notes. Part One. Use this model and notes to make a box that contains a golf ball. (Open the model, click File, click Notes. Follow the instructions
Part Two. Golf Ball Box (Tabs model).
Video: Golf Ball Box add tabs
Render the Drill by Brian James
The Model: The Drill model
Polyhedron Plugin
2 Video tutorial, UnjoinEdge, Unroll
This video tutorial uses the Puzzle Fold model. Step by step process is in File, Notes. The model: Puzzle Fold model
This video is based on the Start.3dm
model in the Level One Training manual.
The model: Start w Gumball model
Information is in the model (File, Notes).
GearGen for Rhino v4 v5 v6 by Thomas Anagnostou.
Remember to 'unzip' the downloaded file
GearGen tutorial model w notes 2-8-18
Make a 60 tooth 3" gear. Information is in File, Notes.
Build a House with Rhino Tutorial
Roof design and model
Fold up Puzzle animated model
Animated puzzle model video
Laser-cut Table Lamp Model 2 models, 1 image, Instructions in Notes
User Guide and Models Rhino V5
User Guide and Models Rhino V4
Rhino 3d.tv Rhino, Grasshopper, Bongo, Flamingo nxt tutorial
Google Rhino3d tutorial
Rhino Jungle Lots of great stuff here
© 2025 Created by Scott Davidson.
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