Rhino in Education

a place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers

Howdy fellow Rhino teachers,

I'm teaching as part of a night external study digital fabrication course.

I have to come up with three projects that adult beginners need to create in Rhino and then fabricate using either a 3D printer or a laser cutter all within 3 hours while teaching basic Rhino concepts in somewhat of an organized fashion.

to teach them about curves and how to clean them up, I'm going to have them do their names  and 3D print them

i love the Tootsie Roll project (here we have Yoguetta lol) - thinking of doing that one (basic srf commands and rendering)

anyone have any suggestions for me?

thanks in advance


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Have you looked at the Table of Contents?

There are many projects here that should work for you.

I hope Pete Sorenson will join this discussion.  His Paper Box is a 'must-do' project.

Bob Koll



The paper box was designed to touch on a number of Rhino skills and to provide a 3D object to disply the quality of work.  It is a good laser project.

The Clock Face project showcases a different set of Rhino skill.

For a 3D printer I would suggest " A Lego part you cannot buy."   You can start with a common brick which would be a test of measuring skill as well as 3D printer set-up.  Follow with a part that does not exist.  In both cases it has to fit with the real Lego's.

Pete Sorenson


Heart Paper Box-Brian Hanna

The link above is to his 'post' .    He is building on Pete's Paper Box tutorials.

you GUYS. You're awesome. Thank you. 

Yes, Bob, I did, I grabbed some. thanks again.

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