Rhino in Education

a place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers

I wanted to create my own box after Pete showed us how to on Monday.  I found an outline for one on Pinterest, so I snapped a picture and imported the picture into Rhino 6.  I then created the geometry from scratch.  I found some nice paper and then arranged 10 copies on a 12'' by 12'' page.  The two halves of the heart interlock to hold the top of the box closed.  For the the bottom and tabs of the box I used a little bit of glue.

It took right at 3 minutes to etch and cut all 10 boxes, using a 60W Universal laser.  I used a small bit of tape on one of the corners to make sure the air flow would not lift up the paper in the laser cutter.  

The file for the project is here:  Precise%20mother%27s%20day%20box.3dm

A big thanks to Pete Sorenson and Tim Eggleston's facilities at Banks High School. 

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Comment by Tim Eggleston on August 19, 2019 at 4:43pm

Thanks for coming to the workshop & thanks for sharing! 

We reworked the file a bit so that our school's logo was on top instead of the heart.  We'll probably rework the size a couple times and use this for some product packaging.


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