Rhino in Education

a place to shine a light on the work of students and teachers

I was looking for some things that I could cut on the laser to include in kits sent home with kids during distance learning and found these three puzzles.  They were quick and easy to cut, and gave me some projects to help them build some basic Rhino skills.  The two cube puzzles are similar to the 3D Puzzle exercise in chapter 6 of the Rhino Level 1 manual.  The Rhomboid puzzle incorporates the idea of using guidelines for modeling, and teaches a couple basics of using the array commands.  I'm attaching the Rhino files, as well as my assignment sheets (with video tutorial links).

Cube Puzzle #1

Cube Puzzle #2

Rhomboid Puzzle

Cube Puzzles

Rhomboid Puzzle

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Comment by Bob Koll on March 19, 2021 at 12:54pm


These are super.  Keep it up.  Send the link to some other teachers so they end up at Rhino in Ed.



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