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Comment by Chris Seeley on September 26, 2015 at 12:47am

Hey Nathan. The makerbot 2x can have errors when printing.  There are many things I have tried and there are lots of variables. One main test I do when the makerbot fails with a print is I go back to a print that I have had success with.  I have an "owl" that has worked 90% of the time. It is from thing a verse. If the owl prints and the one that failed doesn't, it is something with the model. If the owl fails it is the printer and then I start trying things to get the printer working better. Leveling the table, chaining the extruder temperature, change the tape on the table, change the ABS with a different, fresher roll.  I am getting 3 new printers instead of going down the makerbot path. I have not been happy with their support and quality control.  I am going to try Polar, ultimaker and a mojo.  I have hear good things about all 3 and they cover various price points.

Comment by Nathan Dutton on September 25, 2015 at 2:51pm

Hi Chris, my name is Nate Dutton and i teach in an extremely rural district in Alaska. My district bought me a replicator X2 printer but i can not get it to print quality. The models tend to not stick, it just seems everything is pretty screwed up. Are there any tips you can give me to run the replicator x2? I also have a few UP printers that work great. I am not new to RHINO and 3-D printing just having problems with that one printer. 


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