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MICROMASTER Vector/MIDIMASTER Vector offer high performance Sensorless Vector Control for high torque at low speeds and excellent dynamic performance. This. MIDIMASTER Vector family of standard drives from Siemens - The drive may be 7.5 MMV750/3 6SE3221-5DC40 6SE3290-0DC87-0FA4 25 6SE3290-0DC87-0FB4 25. 6SE3221-5DC40 MICROMASTER VECTOR MMV750/3 MICROMASTER VECTOR MMV750/3 UNFILTERED 3AC Manual Operating Instructions: MICROMASTER Vector MIDIMASTER Vector. When installed according to the recommendations described in this manual,. the MICROMASTER Vector and MIDIMASTER Vector fulfil all requirements. Siemens DA 64 – 1998/99 (04/99) 4/1 Standard Applications MICROMASTER MICROMASTER Vector MIDIMASTER Vector System Specifications: Motor 7.5 kW 230 V 3 phase MICROMASTER, MICROMASTER Vector and MIDIMASTER Vector drive inverters, fulfill, when correctly installed and used in-line with the specifications, the MICROMASTER VECTOR MMV400/3 UNFILTERED 3AC 380-500V +/-10% 50/60HZ CONSTANT TORQUE: 4.0 KW OVERLOAD 150% 60SEC, 200% 3SEC VARIABLE TORQUE: N/A 215 X 185 X
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