The Competition: Holiday design competition
Link is to Lots of great ideas here
1 If I am a teacher in the classroom today I would create an inter-class or intra-class design competition to mirror the competition above. (maybe get it up and running and next holiday season get into a 'challenge' outside the classroom.) Using any and all my output devices (not only 3d printed):
>Output = Paper/scissors
>Laser= model, flat, contours/assembly
>3d printer=model
>Vinyl cutter= stickers, color for other outputs, etx
>cnc plasma=flat cut models, etc
>cnc router / mill = parts, plaques, engraving, etc
>other (how about embroidery?)
Vinyl project from JN email earlier today: (VernoniaHS image attached)
Example: (could happen in the first few days of a school year) If I am working with simple 2d curves I might have the students create their own "two-letter (initials) model". (Paper & Printer, paper & scissors, Vinyl cutter, Laser, Router, cnc-Router, Plasma, cnc-Plasma, scroll-saw, jig-saw, coping-saw, etc)
The brief: Students will create two letters. NO TEXT TOOLS allowed. Rhino model is 1,2,or 3 degree curves. (lines, arcs, free-form curves). Simple, Clean, and Closed 2d geometry. The letters must 'hold together' if going to be made into a physical part, (create an armature between the two letters).
3 I am on the lookout for 3d printers (and other machines) that are NOT making parts. We need to turn the kids loose with projects that cause the machines to make stuff. What are the barriers teachers and students run into as they turn their models into 'real hand-held things'? I am already finding dust-collecting 3d printers.
How about: Require kids to schedule 'machine-time' as part of the design process. Look at the students who insist on living in cyberspace. Force them off the screen and onto the machine*. Part of the design process is to MAKE the MODEL. teacher to student "Until I can hold your model in my hand it is not done"
One of the few classrooms where the 'project' is part of our thinking is the tech ed classroom.
* for those of you who control the running of the machines, consider the following: At schools (where the students are the machine operators) there is a 3 ring binder at each machine. Contains images and text showing the step by step process to be followed to successfully set the machine up and then run the machine to make the part. The student is required to follow the steps. There is a student 'expert' for each machine (go-to person when help is needed. NOT the Teacher.) The students become the experts.
Are we having fun yet? bk