Rhino in Education

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We almost got our prototype ready. Looking to roll things out in Feb.
JN& Students

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Sherwood High - 3D printer, laser and ShopBot for the Gear project. JN

John, just testing to see if messages are coming through.

What RP machines will you use to cut gears?

Others need to get in this project.  Send him an email or leave a message here.

Portland Comm. College - Machine Mfg. Tech. - 3d Printer (2), Laser, Vinyl Cutter, Digital Laser Scanner, CNC Router with Vacuum Table, CNC mills and Lathes, Volumes of Manual Machines.  Pat Kraft

Kelso High School-Laser, 3d printer, or ShopBot

Sitka High School: Dimension Uprint, Universal 60 w 18x24 laser, cnc vinyl cutter. 

We have a calendar issue: my seniors are out of school May 22 so we have to get going or opt out. 


Will do. Working on FAQ right now.


Randy Hughey said:

Sitka High School: Dimension Uprint, Universal 60 w 18x24 laser, cnc vinyl cutter. 

We have a calendar issue: my seniors are out of school May 22 so we have to get going or opt out. 


PRiNK Technologies:

New 30 Watt 12x18 Epilog CO2 laser with rotary attachment and experience.

Access to a 5,000 watt beast as well!


Century HS- Desktop CNC, Universal 18x24 60 watt laser cutter, Zcorp 310 3D powder printer, UPs! ABS 3d printer. 

John, sounds like you got our files.  Which ones are you sending out and when?

Tim, Brad, Tanner

The latest version of files for the Gear Machine is April 24th.  Only the "L" Bracket file changed with this release.


Let the fun begin. Attached is the file I sent you all on 4/30/13 

DD&F Gear Project 2013

More files to follow today,


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